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추억의 가요, 팝, 재즈

Just when I needed you most

by 소가리 2007. 6. 18.

      You packed in the morning I stared out the window and I struggled for something to sayYou left in the rain without closing the doorI didn`t stand in your wayNow, I miss you more than I missed you before, and, nowWhere I `ll find comfort, God knows.Cause you left me just when I needed you mostLeft me just when I needed you most Now most every morningI stare out the window and I think about where you might beI`ve written you lerrers that I`d like to sendIf you would just send one to me Cause I need you more than I ne4eded befre, and, nowWhere I`ll find comfort, God knowsCause you left me just when I needed you mostLeft me just when I needed you most You packed in the morning I stared out the window and struggle for something to sayYou left in the rain without and closing the doorI didn`t stand in you way Now, I love you more than I loved you before, and, nowWhere I`ll find comfort, God knowscause you left mr just when I needed you most~~~

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