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추억의 가요, 팝, 재즈

Sarah Vaughan - Whatever Lola Wants (Gotan Project Remix)

by 소가리 2007. 5. 18.

Whatever Lola Wants(Gotan Project Remix)
Sarah Vaughan

Sarah Vaughan의 원곡을 Gotan Project가 Remix했습니다.
Gotan Project는 최근 각광받고 있는 라운지 음악에
톡특하게 탱고 음악을 가미시켜 신선한 장르 파괴
(라운지 자체가 모호성을 띄고 있긴하지만)를 선보이고 있습니다.
최근 모 광고 배경음악에서 사용이 되기도 했죠.

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
And little man, little Lola wants you
Make up your mind to have, no regrets
Recline yourself, resign yourself you're through


I always get, what I aim for
And your heart and soul, is what I came for.
Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
Take off your coat, Don't you know you can't win
You're no exception to the rule,
I'm irrezeestable you fool, Give in
(give in, you'll never win)
Whatever Lola wants
Lola gets


Give in (give in, you'll never win)
Give in (give in, you'll never win)


'추억의 가요, 팝, 재즈' 카테고리의 다른 글

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