The Ancient Poet's Song(옛시인의 노래)-김세환 Many men and many pens have written poetryMany hearts have pondered mysteryThen poets turned to music,turned to melodytrying to express realityLike a budding leaf expresses my whole life with youlike a leaf clings to a branch and livesmy heart is bound to you bound to yo and livesAnd has found a soundthis song to giveThe song this poet singshe's sung through the yearsfearing that from his branch he'll fall.And the tears this poet saids,he has shed through the yearsmemories of the love that he recallsSometimes he whispers his song "whispers", on the fluteSometimes he plays it on long stringsBut, always this poetsings his ageless songwhile to his sweet branchhe feebly clings |
'추억의 가요, 팝, 재즈' 카테고리의 다른 글
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